The SDN Academy - An Initiative of the Service Design Network
The SDN Academy is an educational initiative introduced by the Service Design Network (SDN) and executed in tandem with a global community of SDN-accredited trainers and master trainers. Offering a series of continuing education courses for seasoned practitioners and service design newbies alike, our academy is committed to advancing practitioner knowledge by sharing insights on the latest tools, methods, and techniques shaping the future of our industry.

About the Service Design Network
The Service Design Network (SDN), founded in 2004, is the leading non-profit institution for expertise in service design and a driver of global growth, development, and innovation within the practice. Through national and international events, online and print publications, and coordination with academic institutions, our member-based network connects multiple roles within agencies, business, and government to strengthen the impact of service design within the public and private sectors. Ours is a global, open-minded network focused on knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and exchange.
The mission of the global Service Design Network is to continuously push the boundaries of the practice of service design by expanding awareness of its value and applying its mindset across multiple domains. Service design is uniquely equipped to positively impact the challenges of today and tomorrow. Through community-building, events, and knowledge-sharing, the Service Design Network supports and grows the global community, enabling it to positively impact our society as well as our planet.
Learn more about the Service Design Network at www.service-design-network.org.
About the Service Design Network Membership

Become a Service Design Network member to sharpen your skills, connect with your peers, and support the universal growth of service design as a practice. By becoming a member of SDN, you're not just joining a communit; you're supporting a mission. We're a predominantly volunteer-driven organisation, and your financial support allows us to hire a team of dedicated professionals who work hard to execute our mission through the content we create and share, the events we host, the communities we engage and bring together, the awards we bestow, and the outreach activities we undertake.
Learn more about the Service Design Network Membership at https://www.service-design-network.org/membership.
What is Service Design?
Service Design choreographs processes, technologies, and interactions within complex systems in order to co-create value for relevant stakeholders. (Birgit Mager, 2012)
Service design is the practice of designing services. It uses a holistic and highly collaborative approach to generate value for both the service user and the service provider throughout the service’s lifecycle.
In practice, service design helps to choreograph the processes, technologies, and interactions driving the delivery of services, using a human-centred perspective. Service design today is applicable across multiple sectors, helping to deliver strategic and tactical objectives for both the private and public sector. (SDN, 2019)
Learn more about service design in our courses, or check out the SDN Glossary for more service design definitions.
Created in Response to Demand from the Community
The practice of service design is growing exponentially worldwide. Those interested in learning more about the industry are doing so in varying ways, from self-learning resources from a small but growing number of books on the subject to online course training. Nevertheless, there is no adequate replacement for face-to-face learning from an expert in the field. Sadly, many such course offerings are conducted by inexperienced trainers or are not easily accessible to individuals wanting to learn more about service design. And very few trainings exist to cater to experienced service designers who wish to learn new topics and expand their horizons.
The SDN Academy looks to change all that by creating a global offering that can truly transform how practitioners learn. Committed to staying on the edge of innovation, we offer high-quality courses that are created by professionals for professionals, ensuring participants are exposed to actionable content designed to advance their careers!
Delivering Trainings Through Our Network of Accredited Trainers
The SDN Academy relies on a unique resource - our global community of SDN-accredited professional and master trainers - to help us deliver this invaluable knowledge. Our trainers have undergone our comprehensive accreditation process which in and of itself was created in response to a need to identify high-quality trainers. These proceedings include a rigorous and transparent self-assessment process and an interview with our Accreditation Commission, resulting in a team of highly qualified trainers.
It should be noted that all accredited trainers who work with the SDN Academy benefit from our support. These experts have the option of either utilising the SDN-standardised course materials or delivering their own customised courses under the SDN Academy umbrella. This gives our trainers a compelling platform to showcase their tailor-made programming while maximising the learning outcomes for all participants.
To learn more about the SDN Accredited Trainer programme, visit our Accreditation page.
Any questions?
Please contact us if you have any questions about our courses, locations, trainers or registration. We are also happy to answer questions about accreditation.